Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Feedback from my readers

A very interesting exchange of thoughts with Sharmi Patel when I created a mathematical model for all creations in the universe.

On May 27, 2015, at 01:37, > > wrote:

Greetings Bhena

It’s a warm feeling to see your Email, noted that you are back and in the Canada routine after your visit from London. Must be getting warmer on your side as we are getting the winter chill

I like the thought that you always have something to say of my book that keeps me motivated and focused. We are quite busy with an exhibition on exhibits, laying out details and planning our promotions for the year. We have to keep on doing something to stimulate the business.

Firstly let me say that having spent some time with your mother is the best holiday you would remember. The birth rhythm of our mothers is always with us until they live. It’s a unique relationship that matters the most in one’s life. I was not very fortunate to spend my childhood with my mother as I spent 14 years in India. When I meet up with her the bond had broken and I just could not come to terms with her when I came back but found the mother's rhythm in her dying days. I still cherish the last days that I spent with her and prospered after her death having realized the love of a Mother with the blessings that she had bestowed on me.

This brings an important topic to our creator. In the physical world, a mother seems to be our creator. Just think back and you would realize that she only nurtures life on a pre-planned design. The creator who designed life in this universe has a full proof system to reproduce and manipulate life as required by it. Matter, energy, and intelligence stimulated with the divine consciousness gives orderliness and we call it the universe. There is life in the absence off matter and there is infinite life in the absence of matter and energy. That infinite life when takes an expanded form it is called consciousness or god or Paramatma or Parabrahma or Father or Allah or the creator.

Therefore I concluded that matter is very important which describes life in the mortal plane. The contemporary scientific experiments have proven that the Higgs boson or god particles, the building-block particle that is responsible for giving particles mass. This satisfies the following argument I have postulated.

  • If the summation of all energy described in the creation of the matter is equal to a constant than birth takes place.

 Σ Energy=constant Birth here the constant is time-variant variable.

  • If the summation of all energy described in the creation of the matter is greater than the constant than there is growth or expansion of that creation  

Σ Energy >constant Growth, expansion

  • If the summation of all energy described in the creation of the matter is less than the constant than there is decay or destruction of that creation

Σ Energy <constant Destruction, decay

  • If the summation of all energy described in the creation of the matter is zero then death or nonexistence of that matter takes place.

Σ Energy = 0 Death, nonexistence

This then defines GOD or our creator, where the constant is not time-variant or has no time boundary or calls it infinite

When Σ Energy=constant @ Birth@ Growth, expansion@ Destruction, decay than that entity is an infinite entity or GOD

Time variant life when

  • Σ Energy=constant Birth Mother and child
  • Σ Energy >constant Growth, expansion Childhood and youth
  • Σ Energy <constant Destruction, decay Old age
  • Σ Energy = 0 Death, nonexistence the Only cremation takes this form were no stored energy is in the matter. When a living body is buried, yes! Its dead but the summation of all energy is not zero similarly is in wood, as it still has stored energy. Hence the Hindus cremate their body on death.

This is a very exhaustive explanation of who is a god. I will continue ……………………………………………

My greeting and Namestee to all with warm regards

Bahai-ji Jayram

Copyright © Jayram Daya All Rights Reserved

Book Review

Review one
Existence Downloaded, Activated, Operated, Terminated. By Jayram Daya ISBN 978-1-920526-35-1 Quickfox Publishing South Africa
Jayram Daya explains, through his understanding of scriptures and scientific studies, the inner workings of the world and the universe as we observe.
He describes in simple terms the beginning of the development of the complex nature of the total creation of species through the first creation of two primary entities - material and spirit. Material entities include the primary elements namely earth, water, fire, air, and space. Spiritual entities include mind intelligence and ego.
He quickly traverses time and space to bring you what was planned for human beings when created and their relationship to nature. Charts give a sample breakdown of key elements and the creation of species.
Very enlightening collections of essays interwoven to decipher the origin of mankind on Earth.
Rashmi Parikh
Retired structural engineer, studied at IIT Bombay.

Review two
Existence Downloaded – Activated, Operated, Terminated written by Jayram Daya, offers readers a brief glimpse into the otherworldliness of our cosmos. With 500 billion galaxies waiting to be explored, each with their own billion-plus stars, and also planets, suns and moons, there is no knowing for sure if – or when – superior life-forms will be found! Maybe we will discover friends, maybe foes? Perhaps we will learn the root of our insatiable appetite for gold? And maybe we will discover the source of our own existence – a complex, god- or alien-operated computerized system that creates us from afar. Then we might, simultaneously, discover for what ultimate purpose we exist. The existence of creation may not, as Daya suggests, be for the benefit of our own causes.
These are some of the questions that the author Daya seeks to expose; not as being provable, as much as being worth putting “out there” for consideration by those with unlimited imaginations. This brief glimpse will, undoubtedly, appeal to readers and followers of conspiracies – including alien, metaphysical, quantum physics, and religious subjects, amongst others. Existence Downloaded is written from the perspective of a rational and an extremely successful entrepreneur, who is fearless in presenting both texts and tables that support his cosmic theory, which exhibits both an imaginative and a controlled construction. The value of this book, in my view, lies in the the forwardness of thought, and in the author’s willingness to pose questions and propose answers to those same questions – regardless of such hypothesized concerns being limited by mans’ current inability to fine-focus the final frontier.
Frederick De Jager BA ULM MM MA PhD 
QuickFox Publishing
Editorial Project Manager

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