Friday, 15 November 2019

Consciousness is independent of matter.

Le blob also known by its scientific name Physarum polycephalum or "many-headed slime”
Looking for consciousness in a brain is like looking for ‘no’ needle in a haystack. I am convinced that consciousness is independent of matter and energy but yes, intelligence is a function of matter and energy. Let us see the existence of a singular cell that can perform many functions without a brain. In my school days, we learn about a single cell organism known as an Amoeba and were always fascinated by its existence.
All single-celled organisms contain everything they need to survive within one cell. These cells are able to get energy from complex molecules, to move, and to sense their environment. The ability to perform these and other functions is part of their organization. However, we are discussing the single-cell organisms in light of Intelligence and consciousness
Credit 📷 Audrey Dussutour @Docteur_Drey

A single cell can have intelligent actions without a brain and this is practically proven in a "le blob" also known by its scientific name Physarum polycephalum or "many-headed slime”. They belong to a separate lineage that evolved from ordinary soil amoebas. The blob doesn't have a brain but can solve problems, and has no mouth but can eat food. It has no stomach, eyes, brain or nervous system, but it can detect and digest food. The organism moves without legs, wings or fins at a speed of up to 1.6 inches per hour. It is also self-healing — able to regenerate itself in just two minutes after being cut in half and has 720 sex organs having no problems of reproducing. The organisms respond to starvation by rushing together by the thousands into a single blob. The blob stretches out into a slug-shaped mass about one millimeter long (one twenty-fifth of an inch), which then crawls like a worm toward the light. But as with most other species, survival is boosted by genetic diversity, which in the blob's case happens by two genetically-diverse organisms meeting and fusing into a new, single blob. Researchers said the creature is essentially immortal, fearing only light and drought. They stick to the foot of an animal and travel to a hospitable place. It shows that the Blob has the intelligence to reason, for survival without a complex brain function.
The Blob is not an animal, a plant or a mushroom, but scientists are still not sure exactly how to classify it. It can remember things, adapt their behaviors and find its way out of a maze, which is all animal-like behaviors.
The Paris zoo's latest attraction said the organism first appeared a billion years ago. "It's been here for millions of years, and we still don't really know what it is." Preceding humans on Earth by some 500 million years, the creature resembles a kind of slippery sponge.
"It surprises us because it has no brain, but is able to learn ... and if you merge two blobs, the one that has learned will transmit its knowledge to the other," "The blob is really one of the most extraordinary things that live on Earth today," the president of Paris zoo, Bruno David, said as he introduced the creature to journalists in the French capital.

Something weird and wonderful is at a Paris zoo

Matter and intelligence
I conclude that all self-replicating life forms are organic or dependent on the matter with a media to stimulate intelligence and energy to sustain its existence (the relationship of intelligence, consciousness, energy, and matter has been described in this blog, the posting of Saturday, 10 August 201 Consciousness) Consciousness is what consciousness is and intelligence is what it Intelligence is. Both seem to be represented by many thinkers and researchers evolving from the brain with no sciences that can prove that they belong to the activities of the brain function.
In my previous posting Consciousness and Intelligence I have described memory banks that all matter will have. The survival of all living matter depends on intelligence and the storage of this intelligence for all living entities is the Brain, Body memory (BM) and cell memory. The main role of DNA in the cell is the long-term storage of information or cell memory. Intelligence is defined as general cognitive problem-solving skills. A mental ability involved in reasoning, perceiving relationships and analogies, calculating, learning quickly, etc.

  • ·         What happens if an entity does not have a brain but behaves intelligently for its existence?
  • ·         Is intelligence a mental activity if not then what is intelligence in self-replicating life forms, from a single cell to the most complex life similar to the Humans?
  • ·         Is the brain a coordinator of a multi-cell self-replicating life forms and not a generator of intelligence or consciousness?
  • ·         Scientists concluded that the average human body contains approximately 37.2 trillion cells! Does each cell have a memory of its own?
These are some of the queries that scientist needs to investigate with the concept of the brain to be the generator of all logical functions for its existence and that it is independent of the creator’s instructions.
In conclusion with finite evidence of Le blob also known by its scientific name Physarum polycephalum or "many-headed slime” a single-cell organism, that matter, and intelligence for all living entities are pre-defined and are not a random creation. I go back to my evaluation that intelligence is just a stimulated logic controlled by a stimulus and designed by ‘it’ or consciousness. The matter has many ways to store it in a memory bank suiting the complexity of its creation.
In the absence of matter and/or energy the stimulus is not operational and the entity will be considered in a dormant state as inorganic elements which again will be defined by the science of its own. More knowledge of quantum physics with defined Atoms which are made up of much smaller particles called subatomic particles. Subatomic particles refer to all of these - protons, neutrons; quarks, leptons, and bosons - but the elementary particles are quarks, leptons and bosons with it will describe a theory of creation for inorganic entities.
A stimulus which activates stimulated logic has all design variables giving an impression that the stimulated logic is the function of consciousness; the origin of creation yet consciousness is a false impression in a living an entity which gives an apparent impression that consciousness is in control forgetting the fact that intelligence is the one only in control of the memory in the memory banks in the matter.
Original from   Existence Downloaded, Activated, Operated, Terminated.

By Jayram Daya ISBN 978-1-920526-35-1 Quickfox Publishing South Africa

For further reading “Can Answers to Evolution Be Found in Slime?”

 MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE. While naturalists have known of slime molds for centuries, only now are scientists really starting to understand them. Credit Steven L. Stephenson

FINDING ITS WAY In an experiment, a slime mold in the outside chamber made it to an oat flake in the central chamber of a maze. Credit Andy Adamatzky
Would you call this Intelligence or Consciousness?

An interesting article below that differentiates consciousness as an easy and hard problem.

Facing up to the hard question of consciousness


David Chalmers (‘Facing up to the hard problem of consciousness’ []) focused the attention of people researching consciousness by drawing a distinction between the ‘easy’ problems of consciousness, and what he memorably dubbed the hard problem.
The easy problems of consciousness include those of explaining the following phenomena:
  • — the ability to discriminate, categorize and react to environmental stimuli;
  • — the integration of information by a cognitive system;
  • — the reportability of mental states;
  • — the ability of a system to access its own internal states;
  • — the focus of attention;
  • — the deliberate control of behaviour;
  • — the difference between wakefulness and sleep [, p. 201].
The hard problem ‘is the problem of experience’ [, p. 202], accounting for ‘what it is like’ [] or qualia. To many researchers, this seemed like a sensible divide-and-conquer research strategy: first, we tackle all the easy problems, and then we turn our attention to the hard problem. To others, the identification of the hard problem called for something like a scientific revolution, replacing the standard methods and assumptions of cognitive science (which are continuous with the standard methods and assumptions of biology, chemistry and physics) with a more radical perspective. The hard problem, they surmised, will only be addressed by a return to some form of dualism, or panpsychism, or some yet to be articulated overthrow of what might be considered normal science..........
My suggestion is that we are in the right direction describing consciousness.
  • We should describe the easy problem as feedback of activated and random access intelligence which allows the matter to act independently without external support.
  • The hard problem should be described as an external stimulus that gives life with a pre-set stimulated logic or intelligence. This allows the memories to support the concept of conscious and consciousness but in reality, the stimulus generator or consciousness is in control of the entities' memory banks giving it apparent reasoning, as most researchers are experiencing 
Hence ‘Le Blob’ is also conscious and has consciousness without a Brain.


  1. "Le BLOB" ..existed on an asteriod that hit planet earth, millions of years and start everything....Water , oxygen helped in the process !!!

    1. Your thought has interested me and I have come to a conclusion that single cell such as an “amoeba” or "Le BLOB are biological cells that does not die and the birth is unknown. This may be an alien life from space.I will go with your thought.
