Sunday, 9 May 2021

Multiverse has consciousness as an energy vibrating field.


It is my intuition to relate mass and Vibrating Field to energy i.e.                               

 E= j x m x (f λ)2 or 

E= j m f2λ2

A multiverse is a group of multiple universes. These universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, intelligence, the physical laws, and constants that describe them, and it is consciousness that gives it orderliness. The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes". There is one entity only, that holds this entire system together and that is my topic of discussion.

There are many ways to describe the universe but let me start with 3 different situations to find a unified field

·          A universe where the total energy of the universe is constant and the total entropy of the universe always increases Based on the ideas of Lord Kelvin, Joule, Boltzmann, Carnot, and Clausius, the first and second laws of thermodynamics. This has been recognized in the scientific world of today


One of the most inviolable laws in the Universe is the second law of thermodynamics: that in any physical system, where nothing is exchanged with the outside environment, entropy always increases. This is true not only of a closed system within our Universe but of the entire Universe itself. If you look at the Universe today and compare it to the Universe at an earlier point in time, you’ll find that the entropy has always risen and continues to rise, with no exceptions, throughout all of our cosmic histories. But what if we go all the way back to the earliest times of all: to the very first moments of the Big Bang? If entropy has always increased, does that mean that the Big Bang’s entropy was zero? That’s what Vratislav Houdek wants to know, asking:

“According to the second thermodynamic law, the total entropy is always growing. Does it mean at the moment of the big bang the entropy was minimal (zero?), [implying that] the universe was maximally organized?”

The answer, perhaps surprisingly, is no……..

·        A parallel universe: A universe where the total energy of the universe is not constant and the total entropy of the universe always increases Multiverse or a cluster of universes more prissily parallel universe that has changing variables of matter and energy in a non-steady-state existence

In my argument to come to the above postulate first consider Jay's universe where ΣEnergy=constant with constant entropy and is a function of time. Jay’s universe; this universe is made up of the white hole, the beginning of creation, the living universe or matter taking a time-variant described change, and the black hole the end in destruction.  

Jay's universe becomes Jay's parallel universe when they are attached back to back with a similar, Jay's universe in infinite connectivity. This will consist of an infinite universe in parallel, where the total energy is not constant with the entropy on the increase. This is when the collective parallel Jays universes are defined in an infinite fabric of space with unstable matter and is not a function of time and is referred to as Jays Cosmos.  The Big Bang Theory has failed to address this reality.

In Jays Universe the total energy of the universe can only be constant if three realities are put in an orderly manner namely; Beginning, Middle, and End. When the summation of all energy is constant (Σ Energy=constant) then;

  •        Beginning, creation takes place
  •        Middle, immediately after birth, preservation and expansion takes place
  •       End,  destruction takes place or decay for a new beginning

Here it will only transfer energy within the three entities, where the constant energy defined in a close contour will also have constant entropy. (In the so-called universe we refer to, the matter is the carrier of energy hence matter at the beginning and the end is the same E = mc2,) Then my postulate of the parallel universe is created to hold the concept that energy and entropy will be constant.

Jay's universe is cyclic that gives birth to a new universe having different outputs and inputs and continues in parallel existence to be considered as the multiverse.

Hence when many jays’ universes are set in parallel and considered as multiverse then the total energy of the universe is not constant and the total entropy of the universe always increases.

So when each Jay’s parallel universe is put in series then the output and input are not the same as the previous ones i.e.  =U. This is the totality of all that exists as the universe of all variables that keeps on changing its energy and entropy. This is the universe that is when we say that the Universe is expanding.

   The third concept of the multiverse is with the assumption that in the steady state of matter the total energy is a function of a vibrating field. This would bring me to the following postulate;


 Hypothetical energy field theory as a multiverse; a universe where the total energy of the universe is constant and the total vibrational frequency changes which have an energy function creating a ‘multiverse’


Hypothetical energy field theory as a multiverse
a universe where the total energy of the universe is constant and the total vibrational frequency changes which have an energy function creating a ‘multiverse’


When the summation of all the energy and vibrating field is in analysis where the total energy and  the equation relating wave speed, frequency, and wavelength is v = f λ and j is a constant   

When the summation of all the energy in a stable matter is

  • Equal to the total vibrating field then the entity is stable 

E1+E2+E3..….En =  where the Vf (vibrating field) Stable

  • Greater than the vibrating field it is expanding

∑E1+E2+E3….En>  Expanding

  • Less than the vibrating field then is in a decayed state

∑E1+E2+E3….En<  Decay

But in a zero state both energy and the vibrating field change to another state. Then the vibrational frequency of the universe will keep on increasing with the change of state of its contents i.e. from energy to matter and vice versa to maintain the energy balance as a constant entity. ( With a note that the Universe Expanding)

When  ∑E1+E2+E3….En =Vf (vibrating field) =0 Change of state

Note; Vibrating Field is pure energy that vibrates a field around it, and then this vibrating field of energy which is attracted like a magnet attaches to the energy of the same vibrating frequency. The more vibrating energy that is compressed into this field of energy, the more intense the vibration gets within that field. Eventually, the energy field manifests into matter: particle-by-particle. As the father of Quantum Physics, Max Planck, once said, “All the physical matters are composed of vibration.”

It is my intuition to relate mass and Vibrating Field to energy i.e. Energy =constant x mass x vibrating velocity square or             E=j x m x v2 where v= f λ then This velocity is linear in the state as a particle and angular in a state as a wave.    

In E=j m f2λ2

When En=Vf=  (Stable) or resonance then the natural frequency is equal to the approving frequency

Note; A vibration resonance occurs when an entity is exposed to an external forced vibration occurring at one or more of its natural frequencies. The resulting product response vibration is amplified and can be huge! Vibration resonances can cause severe damage to all enteritis in observation and significantly shorten their life.             What is the difference between vibration and frequency? Vibration refers to the oscillating and vibrating movement of atoms and particles caused by energy. Frequency, on the other hand, refers to the rate at which the vibrations and oscillations occur

     E=m1c2 = m2gh + m2v2 =m3c2 + jm3f2λ2      wave + particle

The energy will be transported to another birth of a new universe. Still maintaining its original design variable of constant energy and increasing vibration, finally forming many other universes having similar characteristics hence the multiverse and not parallel.

This would allow me to say that the vibrating field of energy is a creator of similar entities. Dark matter and dark energy are the catalysts in the process of creating another universe.  The design variables are so that it will hold the energy together and work in a cyclic order to expand the existing realities with science very much dependent on the 5 known realities of the universe; Space, Time, Matter Energy, and consciousness that gives it orderliness.

To put some light on the subject of discussion I am replacing consciousness with Vibration, i.e. 4 known realities of the universe; Space, Time, Matter, and Energy with a vibration that gives its existence to an infinite Universe. (A universe where the total energy of the universe is constant and the total vibrational frequency always on the increases)

Field theory is a psychological theory (more precisely: Topological and vector psychology) that examines patterns of interaction between the individual and the total field, or environment. The concept first made its appearance in psychology with roots in the holistic perspective of Gestalt theories. As the Cosmologist and particle physicist John Barrow of the University of Cambridge in the UK wrote, "Finding a theory of everything is quite conceivable. The laws of nature are rather few, they're simple and symmetrical, and there are only four fundamental forces." However, we are getting ahead of ourselves.

Field theory is a psychological theory (more precisely: Topological and vector psychology) that examines patterns of interaction between the individual and the total field, or environment. The concept first made its appearance in psychology with roots in the holistic perspective of Gestalt theories. It was developed by Kurt Lewin, a Gestalt psychologist, in the 1940s.

Lewin's field theory can be expressed by a formula: B = f(p,e), meaning that behavior (B) is a function of the person (p) and their cultural environment (e).[1]

Note; Of the five known realities; space, time, energy, matter, and consciousness only matter and energy are expandable with human intelligence and related to a universal field called consciousness which has a residue called light. Albert Einstein cleverly related matter-energy and light in an equation E = mc2 that had many similarities with Newtonian physics K.E. =  m v2.

 It is my intuition to relate mass and Vibrating Field to energy i.e. E= m (f λ)2

The equation for wavelength and frequency; in one period, the wave travels one wavelength. Speed is the distance over time, so v = λ/T, the frequency, f, is 1/T  so the equation relating wave speed, frequency, and wavelength is v = f λ.

Energy =constant (j) x mass x vibrating velocity square or E=jmv2 where v= f λ then 

 E=j m f2 λ2


Consciousness is a function of the natural frequency of Jay's universal constant and the vibrational energy field is the changing vibration always nearing each other creating destroying and maintaining a universe in a quantum state.


  •       Vedic physics states that time is subtle energy or force which is manifested before the cosmic manifestation. Time moves the unmanifest material energy and controls the movements in the universe. Without the manifestation of time, the unmanifest material energy cannot become active and take form. Only after the time fluctuations agitate the unmanifested material energy does the cosmic manifestation begin!
  •        Here lies the clue after the time fluctuations agitate; for the frequency; f, which is 1/(T ) a function of time. Or in simple terms when matter and energy collaborate time in its existence then the universe is found active. The space-time web structure is the key that gives matter, energy, and the vibrating field to the manifested universe.
  •        Read more on “Could consciousness comes down to the way things vibrate?”
  •        Everything in this universe has its own vibrational frequency.
  •        All entities in the universe are subjected to a force called gravity
  •       Our frequency of perception of electromagnetic waves defines what we can and cannot see within the visible spectrum of light.
  •        We are 3-dimensional creatures, living in a 3 dimension contour, but our eyes can show us only two dimensions.
  •        According to the general theory of relativity, gravity is not a force. "There are no gravitational fields. Gravity is kind of an illusion" Matter tells space-time how to curve. Space-time tells matter how to move- John Wheeler. It so happens that Spacetime is curved along with massive objects
  •       There are three main types of Illusions; optical illusions including literal illusions, physiological illusions, and cognitive illusions. All three types of illusions have one common thread. Reality is the state of being real or actual, whereas an illusion is a mental misinterpretation of what is believed to be true. Illusions often prevent people from perceiving reality and objective truths, which consequently results in delusions, and in some cases, tragedies.
  •        Don't forget, we are all moving through space and time, space-time is also an illusion
  •        Consciousness gives orderliness to matter, energy, and intelligence in a close contour of space with time, which has an infinite range, yet consciousness is an illusion.
  •       Albert Einstein once quipped, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." The famous scientist might have added that the illusion of reality shifts over time.
  •       Quantum Physics has now given a window to understanding all entities including organic entities in a real sense of existence. “Electron spin effect on molecular biology illustrates how quantum mechanics is intimate to molecular biology. It also shows how Nature is using quantum information like a quantum computer to store and manage data in its core processes. And everything is spinning” more on..
  •        DIMENSIONS OF UNIVERSE; According to Vedic physics, space inside our universe is multi-dimensional. There are 64 main dimensions and each dimension is further divided into many sub-dimensions. Since the inhabitants of the earth can perceive 3 dimensions, their senses have no access to many other realms of universal reality!!
  •        Vibrating velocity is obtainable in the vibrating field in the quantum state and is ever-changing
  •        A yogi can achieve 8 mystical perfections. Each perfection gives him access to 8 additional dimensions. Thus by achieving all 8 perfections, a yogi obtains access to all the 64 (8*8) dimensions making his body unaffected by space-time-bound physical laws!
  •        So nowadays we are searching and defining speed as 3G broadband to 4G or attaining speed greater than 70,000 km /s (max speed attained by manmade object) or even delivering service fast. 5G 28 to 39GHz 7G 100Gbps
  •        Unified field theory, in particle physics, an attempt to describe all fundamental forces and the relationships between elementary particles in terms of a single theoretical framework. ... Then, in the early part of the 20th century, Albert Einstein developed general relativity, a field theory of gravitation.
  •        A field regarded as a source of energy for bodies interacting with it
  •        The human body consists of five layers of energy. Together, these five layers, or energy bodies, comprise the human energy field. These layers are where our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional characteristics are stored. They can be in balance or out of balance.
  •        Did you know that the electric field has a zero location? There is a spot along the line connecting the charges, just to the "far" side of the positive charge (on the side away from the negative charge) where the electric field is zero. In general, the zero-field point for opposite sign charges will be on the "outside" of the smaller magnitude charge. Hence my deduction that at the zero points is a singularity.
  •        Did you know that when mass is converted into energy then the transfer of energy is carried out by electromagnetic waves which are called? Electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic waves are waves, which consist of vibrating electric and magnetic fields. They transfer energy through matter or across space. The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic radiation.
  •        Vibrating Field is pure energy that vibrates a field around it, and then this vibrating field of energy which is attracted like a magnet attaches to the energy of the same vibrating frequency. The more vibrating energy that is compressed into this field of energy, the more intense the vibration gets within that field. Eventually, the energy field manifests into matter: particle-by-particle. As the father of Quantum Physics, Max Planck, once said, “All the physical matters are composed of vibration.”
  •        Is vibration energy? So because everything is made up of energy, every person, place, and thing vibrates at a different frequency. “This energy is pure, and it can come from whatever you want to call it—source energy, universe energy, conscious energy.”
  •        A vibration resonance occurs when an entity is exposed to an external forced vibration occurring at one or more of its natural frequencies. The resulting product response vibration is amplified and can be huge! Vibration resonances can cause severe damage to all enteritis in observation and significantly shorten their life.
  •        Unified field theory in particle physics is an attempt to describe all fundamental forces and the relationships between elementary particles in terms of a single theoretical framework. Then, in the early part of the 20th century, Albert Einstein developed general relativity, a field theory of gravitation.
  •        About 95% of the universe is composed of dark matter and dark energy and the standard model of physics has no description of this unknown universe.
  •        Four new particles have been found, expanding our knowledge of the quantum universe; are all ‘tetraquarks’. However, the theory is not the final word on the understanding of the particles. In physics, a quark is the smallest known particle that constitutes matter or the smallest entity of nature. It is interesting to note that there have never been lone quarks in experiments. The force that binds these quarks together is known as the strong nuclear force. It is the most potent force in nature: trillions of times stronger than gravity 
  •  “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nicole Tesl
  •         Om is the simplest vibrational mantra. It mirrors the pulse of the Universe since the start of time. Om is more than a sound, but the vibration of the universe. It is the frequency of energy that connects and joins all things together. That flow connects you to the energy within and to the energy without. In so doing, Om connects you to everything that is.\

  •          Hagelin was originally trained as a quantum mechanic, and the unified field theory of consciousness proposes that consciousness is identical to his own idiosyncratic mathematical version of the putative unified field.

  •         We describe the approach as a general resonance theory of consciousness or “general resonance theory” (GRT). GRT is a field theory of consciousness wherein the various specific fields associated with matter and energy is the seat of conscious awareness at various levels of the organization.

  •           Dark Energy is a hypothetical form of energy that exerts a negative, repulsive pressure, behaving like the opposite of gravity. Dark Energy makes up 72% of the total mass-energy density of the universe. The other dominant contributor is Dark Matter, and a small amount is due to atoms or baryonic matter.

  •             Universe Dark Energy-1 Expanding Universe

    This diagram reveals changes in the rate of expansion since the universe's birth 15 billion years ago. The more shallow the curve, the faster the rate of expansion. The curve changes noticeably about 7.5 billion years ago when objects in the universe began flying apart as a faster rate. Astronomers theorize that the faster expansion rate is due to a mysterious, dark force that is pulling galaxies apart.

    Credit: NASA/STScI/Ann Feild

 In this diagram I would replace the ‘BIG BANG’ with the ‘WHITE HOLE’ and my thoughts are clarified that there are many such universes that are parallel to the same cyclic order and call it the Expanding Universe The catalyst is the Dark Energy with Dark Matter as a contributor. The activator is the energy vibrating the field we may call consciousness or\

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