Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Consciousness and Intelligence

It has been my long outstanding argument to distinguish the difference between Consciousness and Intelligence. Consciousness gives orderliness to intelligence with matter and energy but consciousness is not intelligence yet consciousness is a function of Intelligence. Illusory knowledge relates to what is outside, correct knowledge to what is inside. Try to know what is inside with a realization that intelligence requires stimulus and matter. You cannot be aware without an external stimulus with which to observe and respond. This would require the presence of matter with energy in one form or another.
To describe this I have taken the analogy of the computer a system that we are familiar with.
In a computer we have;
·        A programmer- is an individual that writes/creates computer software or applications by giving the computer-specific programming instructions. A programmer also may specialize in one or more computing fields, like database, security or software/firmware/mobile/Web development.
·        A program- is executable software that runs on a computer; these programs are often called applications, which can be used synonymously with software programs.
·        Memory-Rom- read-only memory, computer memory on which data has been pre-recorded. Once data has been written onto a ROM chip, it cannot be removed and can only be read
·        Memory-Ram- random access memory, a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly; that is, any byte of memory can be accessed without touching the preceding bytes. RAM is found in servers, PCs, tablets, smartphones and other devices, such as printers.

·        Memory storage- the hard drive is a form of permanent storage, rather than temporary memory such as random-access memory (RAM). ... Every computer has at least one internal hard drive to store software and data.
·        Hardware is a function of matter and energy.  Computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of a computer system. This includes the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It also includes all the parts inside the computer case, such as the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card, and many others. Computer hardware is what you can physically touch.
In the computer system, there is a programmer who programs a required system and by making use of ROM and RAM, it creates a stimulus which can logically execute the programmer’s program. A Physical body is essential to house this system and a cleverly designed hardware with matter and energy satisfies the end result.

·     The computer is often referred to as a computer system because it is made up of integrated components (input, output, storage and CPU) which work together to perform steps called for in the program being executed.
·         Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer or machine that has been created to "think" like a human. The idea behind it is that human reasoning can be understood and defined based on input (your experiences) and output (your actions). When a human makes a decision, they consider certain important variables.

In the cosmic creations, we have consciousness, matter, and energy described in a closed contour of space and time with an infinite domain. Intelligence is stimulated logic in matter that has many characteristics from being dormant to activate and of random access intelligence for a premeditated creation. 
Consciousness - is a creator that creates a universal set of instructions that tells its creation what to do or how to perform a task. It includes all different instructions, such as applications and the operating system or such applications by giving the many cosmic interties specific encoding instructions. Consciousness specializes in one or more fields, like creation, preservation, destruction and the controls which satisfy the existence of all entities with a set of instructions that are forwarded with a stimulus.
 Soul originator or super soul - instructs executable set of instructions that stimulates all created entities.  These sets of instruction are often called living souls, which can be used synonymously with consciousness in all of the created entities of the cosmos. It’s the caretaker of all created entities of the cosmos. The stimulus it forwards also has a feedback system to monitor the creations of consciousness.

Activated intelligence on which information has been pre-logged. Once information has been programmed in the activated intelligence, it cannot be removed and can only be delivered. It is indeed in this way that intelligence becomes divided and ceases to be all-comprehending. Consciousness decides which creation it would like to create and hence the instructions given once-off by a stimulus generated by consciousness and monitored by the Super soul.
Random access intelligence a type of entity intelligence that can be accessed randomly; that is, any multiple of memories can be accessed without touching the preceding ones. Random access intelligence can only be found in the so-called intelligent life where both activated and random access intelligence is allowed in the occurrence of consciousness.

Memory and activated intelligence storage -the brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body. It is made up of more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connections called synapses. The brain is made up of many specialized areas that work together. Human Brain has more developed cognitive functions due to highly developed forebrain (comprising the two cerebral hemispheres) and a thicker layer of cortex in comparison to other animals' brain; Random access intelligence is activated in the Humans but stays dormant in the animals.

·         In reality, human beings have two brains inside one skull - one on the left and one on the right hemisphere. When it comes to seeing the world around us, each of our two brains works independently and each has its own working memory.
·         Memories may be passed down through generations in DNA.Genetic memory (psychology) - in psychology, genetic memory is a memory present at birth that exists in the absence of sensory experience, and is incorporated into the genome over long spans of time
·         Body memory (BM) is a hypothesis that the body itself is capable of storing memories, as opposed to only the brain. While experiments have demonstrated the possibility of cellular memory there are currently no known means by which tissues other than the brain would be capable of storing memories.

·         Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions for the development and function of living things. All known cellular life and some viruses contain DNA. The main role of DNA in the cell is the long-term storage of information. The four roles DNA plays are replication, encoding information, mutation/recombination and gene expression.
·         I am of the opinion that for all organic life on earth has a DNA with all intelligent structures designed once and common to all organic life forms. The supper soul stimulates the different components to get the required life form as required or eliminates when it’s not of importance to the system.
      It is convincing that activated intelligence in all living organisms was to support the Gene Theory which also has a memory bank to interact with the surrounding. The article “Evolution can reconfigure gene networks to deal with environmental change” by the University of Birmingham at https://phys.org/news/2019-11-evolution-reconfigure-gene-networks-environmental.html says it all. This supports my theory of Activated and Random access intelligence.

The existing body with a soul is a function of matter and energy, free or depended on interference caused by transmigratory existence. This is the collection of physical parts of physically existing systems. This includes all the senses of organic life on earth. It also includes all the parts inside the body such as the brain, heart, kidney, liver, stomach and many others. Body of the entity is what you can physically touch and see. All inorganic matter can also be similarly described like stars, planets, energy, and matter with quantum sciences. All entities created by consciousness have a soul so does the cosmos. The soul is a function of consciousness where cosmic physics takes over the designed variables.
Hence when we talk of organic consciousness it’s the activated intelligence in a living entity and only random access intelligence can describe with a stimulus which helps to define the living condition of that entity. A most perfect example is Human life on earth that claims to have consciousness. To describe this phenomenon I will insist that it is the activated and the random access intelligence that gives us a false claim of having understood the existence of consciousness in the human mind. It is indeed in this way that intelligence becomes divided and ceases to be all-comprehending.
It can be seen, that the Cosmos and Consciousness are non-different because all that is knowable as existing in Cosmos is known to exist only by Consciousness. Because we exist, that which is knowable is known; the knowable being intelligence which assigns consciousness as being    ‘conscious of’ can only be known in the awareness. The known therefore depends upon the fact that awareness is aware of that of which the mind is conscious. This is the logic of awareness which is not accessible to all organic life forms.
Hence all organic life forms are originated from one only double-strand DNA structure (Double-stranded DNA consists of two polynucleotide chains whose nitrogenous bases are connected by hydrogen bonds.) A stimulus from the super soul will give birth to the required life forms such as plant life, insect life, winged life, mammals and humans. The super soul controls these life forms with its stimulus always connected in the whole process of creation, preservation, and destruction.
Yes! The soul is immortal and infinite no matter the super soul or the living soul. The living soul is a function of the Super soul
·        The soul is defined as one entity or is the spirit and essence of an entity. An example of your soul is the part of you that makes you who you are and that will live on after your death. An example of a soul is the part of you that will go to heaven and be immortal, according to the teachings of certain religions.
·        Living Atman (soul) means the breathing one. More precisely, it is the inner Self, or the eternal Self, which, according to Hinduism, is present in all beings, from the highest to the lowest. The Upanishads describe Atman as the eternal, blissful effulgent, transcendental, indestructible, divine, pure, infinite, intelligence. In Hinduism, the Super soul is termed as Paramatma, and the living soul Jivatma. A simple example, Atman could be compared to a drop from the spray of the ocean; Paramatma would be the whole ocean. Jivatma or Atman is the individual who originates from the Paramatma. In this, living Atman craves to re-join its natural position as part of the whole. This is the aim of the created entities and later religions became the descendants of this reality of our creation, existence, and destruction.
In my closing argument let me consider another simple analogy for this argument. Assume this universe to be a huge service-oriented design. Everything comes under a infinite domain. There is a master programmer or consciousness and the program Super Soul (Paramatma) that controls the entire domain.
There are subroutines installed on nodes for specific functionalities. These are the Jeevatmas(souls). They have a function to perform. They do not own anything nor has any other special powers/privileges. If uninstalled from the node (deleted), they cannot do anything on their own. All entities are just a program that cannot execute without hardware. The stimuli are refined energy only created for the super soul. Energy is like the power needed to run the domain and anything that the domain captures can be considered as the Super soul with a stimulus.
Consciousness is the master programmer. Whenever there is instability in the system, Consciousness installs itself into a powerful node and does damage control (like acting as an Anti-virus).
There are bad programs that cannot be promoted to production. They are given an opportunity in the test environment to be a part of the domain. If nothing can be done, consciousness uninstalls them and protects the rest of the system.
However, if the Super soul is apart from the individual entity, then it's not complete. That which isn't complete isn't perfect. What isn't perfect can't be consciousness thus, the word Atman is used for representing both together.
The consciousness which is the creator, nourisher and the destroyer of this Universe, Atman (soul) on the other hand is a small part of this consciousness and is present inside every living being and distinguishes the living from inanimate objects. Only the activated intelligence differentiates this. On the other hand, an inanimate object is designed with physics of quantum cosmic science of which we have very little knowledge. I am convinced that all cosmic entities also have a soul that allows its existence. Our intellect is not stimulated to understand these creations. 
Hence my conclusion that intelligence is not consciousness.

Original from   Existence Downloaded, Activated, Operated, Terminated.

By Jayram Daya ISBN 978-1-920526-35-1 Quickfox Publishing South Africa